Making X Guard strategy with X guard map

Hello, everyone! I’m Taiki.

Today, I’ll show you “X guard map”. This is the second article in the tactics explanation series,which is following “Berimbolo map”.

Recently, I could understand what X guard is in my own way. So I want to share it with you. I will explain only a simple X guard. On another occasion, I will explain single leg X or X guard entry.

The process of making X guard

My X guard image before

Do you often use X guard?

My X guard career was the following:

  • I bought the manual of X guard, but I don’t read it so much.
  • It was difficult for me to cross my legs like X under the opponent.
  • I can’t take a enough return (only 2 points!) though establishing X guard needs hard work.
  • Even if I succeeded in sweep, he would get open guard or I would get stuck in closed guard at the worst case.

After all, I used to think it’s not valuable if I can’t take back.

Therefore, I always tried to take back. But, if you think it’s easy to take back from X guard, it’s wrong. I always failed to take back and my opponent escaped.

“X guard sounds cool, but I can’t understand what is the good point of X guard!?”
I used to think.

So, I didn’t use X guard so much, but I found I had a lot of chance to set up X guard from spider guard. I challenged X guard again, but it still didn’t work.

In that situation, 3 incidents happened to me. They opened up my X guard world.

3 incidents that opened up my X guard world

I started focusing on X guard for the following 3 reasons.

The advice from my Master

I used to concentrate only on taking back when I played not only X guard, but also Berimbolo during sparring. My master advised me.


If you focus only on taking back, it’s difficult for you to take back because your opponent has only to defend it. So, you need to add sweep to distract your opponent’s attention from back take defense.

Actually, I focused only on taking back, or rather, I have no interests in sweep. I thought what my jiu-jitsu is was to finish reverse triangle choke from back, or triangle choke from bottom position.

The God of jiu-jitsu must give up on me.

I realized that those who focus only on taking back never can take back after this advice.
Don’t love backtake too much. Let’s stop being clingy.

The advice from my teammate Mr.S.

When I learned X guard from my teammate Mr.S, he taught me to use different techniques depending on the balance of your opponent.

It means you always have to feel where is the balance of your opponent.


If his balance is high, you can lift his leg and take back easily.

On the other hand, he takes wide stance and keep his balance low, you can’t lift his leg and take back.

In that case,it’s better to move him forward or backward and sweep him.

Some is well known as a theoretical jiu-jitsu player in the gym, as expected his mind is organized very well.

The hint from Marcelo Garcia

I was so pleased to be able to finish triangle choke from X guard that I read X guard by Marcelo Garcia again. Then I realized one thing. Controlling the opponent’s sleeve from X guard will give you a lot of options.

I noticed that I could attack through a lot of processes.

I couldn’t understand it when I was white belt. But, I have a better perspective now.

After I summarised and illustrated all of opinions, X guard map was made.

From these 3 incidents, I found the following things:

  • There are several phases in X guard.
  • Transiting to a better phaze means getting close to back take or submission.
  • You can’t finish submissions without going through several processes.

I thought this is the same as the Berimbolo map and started to collect the ideas in my note.

As it happens, I could make the X guard map in the train of the berimbolo map.
The guideline of the X guard map:

  • Taking the back or the submission is the goal in phase 4.
  • If you go to the next phase, you will get close to the goal.
  • There are 6 types of X guard.
  • The further phases you go to, the harder the transitions become.
  • The more transitions to phase 4 you have, the more processes you have.

Which type  is easy to set up varies from person to person.It is the best to finish the  submission, going to the further phases by giving the pressure of sweep.

First, I explain each type of X guard. Then, I explain the videos.

By the way, my X guard map was like this. I show you it with the intention of some self-discipline.  

X guard game plan with X guard map

There are some types of X guard and  you have a great advantage if you go to X3.

In addition to sweep, you can finish the submission in X3.

Ph0:Low X

This is Low X. Your opponent keeps his feet on the mat and his balance is low.

Ph0:High X

In this situation, your opponent keeps his feet on the mat and his posture straight. This is High X.

Ph1:XS (X+sleeve)

Next, your opponent keeps his feet on the mat and you have his sleeve.This is XS.S of X3 is S of sleeve. There are some opportunities to make X3 when you set up X guard from spider guard.

Ph2:X1 (X+one leg)

Then, if you can unbalance him by lifting your opponent’s leg, you are in X1.

1 is from one leg.

Ph3:X2 (X+two hands)

In addition, your opponent put his hands on the mat. This is X2. 2 means two hands. From this phase, you have a great advantage.

Ph4:X3 (X+two legs+one hand)

Also, you have the sleeve of your opponent from X2. This is X3. 3 is from one hand and two legs. From this phase, you have a chance to finish the submission.


There are many positions outside of these. For example, your opponent grabs your collar or you grab your opponent’s collar  from X2 so on. You don’t have to remember all positions. You need to make your own X guard map based on your favorite positions.

Let’s research the technique videos with X guard map.

X2 to sweep

We can’t talk about X guard without Marcelo Garcia.

He sweeps his opponent by extending his X hooks forward from X2( both of his hands on the mat).

High X to X2 to baktake

From high X (standing upright), this guy transitions to X2 by breaking his balance forward.

In this position, it’s easy to lift the opponent’s legs and take his back.

XS to X3 to omoplata

If you can establish X guard with the sleeve of your opponent(XS), you transition to X3 by breaking his posture and forcing him to post his hand on the mat.

You are able to finish the submission from X3. Deciding which submission to utilize may depend on the distance between your sleeve grip and your opponent.

X2 to X3 to triangle

This video starts from X2. It may be hard to establish X2 for a beginner at X guard.
In that point, this video is not kind.
This guy establishes X3 by catching the sleeve of his opponent and applies triangl, keeping to sweep.

In conclusion, You can’t take the back or finish submission without sweep.

What I found from this research is that you always need to know how to sweep your opponent from X guard. If you don’t, you can’t  get any better positions.
Don’t follow only backtake or submission.

You should try to sweep at first.

Trying to sweep, you will be able to go to the better phases of X guard. If you reach X3, you can find the opportunity to get something better than sweep.

It seems that there are not so many people who use X guard.
Let’s master X guard and earn the nickname ‘Mr.X’!
That’s all my report from Triangle choke lab.

Thanks for your time.

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